The phenomenon of people appearing in the market, who declare themselves asreal estate agent, has often been observed without essentially havingthe required qualifications for this field.
There is much more to real estate than just knowing what is sold and how much it costs. Also people occupied in another profession havebeentrying to make real estate transactions. That is illegal.
Knowledge of market conditions, estate, prices, trends, future prospects and at least the basic local urban planning rules is required.
The legal and experienced, professional real estate broker has created the required infrastructure with legal and technical consultants and is ready to propose solutions safely ortackle potential problems arising from a sale, with consistency and responsibility!
Essentially you should pay attention to the following points:
– Avoid real estate ads that simply refer to the word “Real Estate” followed by a cell phone number and not the clear reference of a real estate company name and its phones, or if you call the ad phone and you are informed that it is a <real estate> agency, ask for an appointment at the real premises.
– Under no circumstances should you accept to make payment of any amount, even as a down payment, to be shown a property or to sell / rent your property and if an amount is requested speak to your lawyerbefore you proceed to any payment. The broker’s fee is always paid by the signing of the definitive contract, pre-contractual or contractual.
– The indication of any property or the assignment for sale / rent must always be in written form with the data of the prospective buyer or owner as well as the details of the property, the sale / rent price and the broker’s fee.
– Never sign more than one Exclusive Broker Orders for the same property, if you are referred by another estate agent a property that you have already seen, you should refuse to visit it because you will be obliged to pay a payment for every exclusive broker order you have signed.
– The broker is obliged to investigate in every detail the housing needs of the prospective buyer, to indicate the appropriateproperty and to mediate the final price. Legal or technical advice is given by a legal and engineering consultant of the real estate agent or by consultants of your own choice.
– Avoid seeking advice over the phone, seek an appointment with your real estate agent to speak to and let the agent understand exactly what you want and how much you want to spend so that the real estate agent can offer effective service.He must know exactly what you are interested in and to do so he needs something more than just a phone call.